Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Leg 4: 4th August

Position at 2100 local time, 4th August 2009, 54.41N, 11.49W

A very good evening to all our readers. We've been having another good day, but rather busy coping with the continually high winds and rough sea. We currently have our storm jib and trysail up sailing in the correct direction at 7 knots.

We are all well, but rather wet and can't remember what life was like in the days when we did not live in oil skins!

All are in high spirits and the cooks from the respective mother watches have done a brilliant job in their effort to put food on the table for 23 hungry souls.

We are now 136 miles from the finish line and we again delighted with the news today that Rona II remains first in class.

Once we are across the finish line, we plan to head for Ballycastle which is at the tip of the West Ireland coast. Hopefully the sun will come out and we can dry out!

We will send more news tomorrow of our progress and you never know, maybe the time we crossed the finish line!?!

Many thanks for all your blog comments we have had great fun reading them this evening and trying to solve the riddles, it has to be said though that riddle solving and card playing are much easier when the boat is sailing flat and the sun is out!!!

Well I must shoot now, thank you to Andrew Downey for preparing the blog, I (the Mate) am purely typing it up. On a side note I will be upset if our message in the bottle gets to shore before we do, it might be worth waiting a few years before looking!!!!!

Right, time to check on the deck watch - good night all

The crew of Rona II


  1. Hi Rona II

    can't believe that you are due in today. Amazing work. Enjoy your rest in Ballycastle, not so sure that you will get any sun!

    Matthew Cooke's Family

  2. Hey rona 2

    Hey steven glad to hear that you should be finishing the race today. I really enjoy reading your blogs they make me laugh so much.
    Here are some more riddles for you

    1.What happened in the middle of the twentieth century that will not happen again for 4,000 years?
    2.What has no beginning, end, or middle?
    3.What has to be broken before it can be used?
    4.A Man walked up to his house and he heard his wife scream John Don't do it! The man ran inside and saw his wife, dead on the floor. Around her was a Baker, Milkman, and a Doctor. The man goes up to the Milkman and says U did it! How did the man know he did it?
    5.Pretend you're a bus driver. You start at New York and fifty people get on. Then you drive to New Jersey and twenty people get off, while five get on. Then you go to Florida and ten people get off while fourteen get back on. When you get to New Mexico, twenty people leave and five more get back on. When you reach California everyone get's back on. How old is the bus driver?

    Love from Amy x
    (stevens sister)

  3. Hello Rona 2

    Here is some MORE riddles expecially for you!

    1.A man walks into a bar, and asks the bartender for a drink of water. The bartender pulls out a gun, points it at the man, and cocks it. The man says "Thank you" and leaves. What happened?
    2.A man was driving a black truck. His lights were not on. The moon was not out. A lady was crossing the street. How did the man see her?
    3.What kind of nut has no shell?
    4.Why is it so easy to weigh fish?
    5.A hundred feet in the air, but its back is on the ground. What is it?

    Love from Amy x
    (steve's sister)

  4. fantastic guys. See you soon!! Have a nice shower and enjoy the irish sunshine. Lay in bed last night and listened to the wind howling and thought of you guys out in it.

  5. Hi Rona II

    Congratulations on finishing. Amazing news. Well done.

    Matthew Cookes family

  6. Just heard from your Mum Matt .You've done it CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL.

    AND A BIG THANKYOU to all those who have made it possible for this race to happen.

    Grandma Wales

    That deserves a few happy hour beers when you get on dry land thats for sure. It looks like you should get a couple of sunny days, so you will be able to get out of those oilys and start to dry out, I can't imagine being wet for that length of time.
    Thank you all for bring bringing her in safely, I'm sure its an experience you will never forget.
    Look forward to hearing more soon
    Hazel and Garry x

  8. WELL DONE ,lads. What an achievement. You have not only beaten the Atlantic but have topped your class as well. Many congratulations to you all (Steve's N&G)

  9. Well done to all of you what an effort 1st in class have a good week sailing the UK coast and have some good ashore time see you in Belfast Thursday

    Bob Fullbrook

  10. WELL DONE,Rona 11 its quite late and I have been tileing the kitchen all day, Lee texed me to say you had croos the line,"thank God" ( now I can relax) I was amazed your ETA was 6/7pm time and you went over 1.ish. (Now you can all relax) and sit back on your laurels, you certainly deserve to. A wonderful achievment for you all
    Sleep well God Bless Nan & Grandadxx

  11. Congratulations! You guys are all amazing and hope you do get to dry out a bit and thanks for writing such good blogs :-)
    Sarah xx(Josh's sister)

  12. Congratulations to everyone on the Rona II! Sounds like it was an amazing, although at times very wet experience!
    Hope you have a more relaxing sail to Scotland!
    See you all in Belfast!
    Take care from the Williams family! xx
    p.s. Mark before you ask, no you cannot have a pet dolphin! xx
